NOTE: Native plugins use a different scaling system, see here. See the section on Rescaling VST Plugins to fix this.

VST GUI Scaling - High resolution monitors will shrink VST plugin interfaces.More Bit related information - Click here to see the FL Studio 32 vs 64 Bit FAQ online.If the bit-equivalent plugin is not available, then the bit-original plugin is loaded and bridged (see the point above). When loading 64 Bit projects in the FL Studio 32 Bit the reverse is also true, FL Studio will try to find 32 Bit versions of all plugins. When you load a FL Studio 32 Bit project in FL Studio 64 Bit, all plugins are automatically loaded with 64 Bit versions, if the 64 Bit version exists. Project compatibility - You can load projects made with FL Studio 32 Bit in FL Studio 64 Bit and vice versa.Many older, free VST plugins you can find online, are only available in 32 Bit.
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NOTE: You can install both 32 and 64 Bit versions of a plugin, if available. The Wrapper Settings Tab will show if a plugin is bridged and its Bit version. Bridging is automatic, you don't need to do anything special to make it happen, one reason to pay attention to what plugins you are using. Certainly, a few bridged plugins won't normally matter, but bridging 10 or more plugins definitely will waste CPU capacity. If you load 64 Bit plugins in FL Studio 32 Bit or 32 Bit plugins in FL Studio 64 Bit, a ' bit bridge' will be used and this consumes about 2% extra CPU, per plugin. We STRONGLY RECOMMEND using 64 Bit plugins in FL Studio 64 Bit and 32 Bit plugins in FL Studio 32 Bit. It has nothing to do with 'audio quality', despite what some sleazy marketing guy may have said. This determines how much memory the plugin can access. Plugin compatibility - Just as FL Studio is available in 32 and 64 Bit editions, VST plugins can also come in 32 or 64 Bit format.This has made things a little complicated, what's new :) The computer music industry is in the process of changing from 32 to 64 Bit software.